Tickled Ivories began in 1993 in San Antonio, Texas and is now a premier ancillary program in Austin and San Antonio, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia.
The Tickled Ivories Advantage
Research overwhelmingly supports that piano instruction provides numerous educational, developmental and social
advantages. Tickled Ivories makes this opportunity both convenient and affordable by bringing our exceptional piano learning adventure to both preschool and school-aged children.
We bring the teacher, instrument, and our creative piano learning adventure classes to your child at their school, child care center, or after school program in weekly, 30-minute classes. Lessons are taught while your child attends school which is both cost and time effective!
Register now to reserve your child’s space in one of our exciting, fun-filled classes. (Limited spaces are available.) The Tickled Ivories adventure is just a click away!
Our Methods
Hover over each box to learn more about our methods and how we use unique and effective tools to create a fun and engaging learning environment for all ages.
Pre-School Classes
Preschool classes are both fun and engaging with developmentally appropriate activities:
exploration & discovery through sensory experience
musical activities focused on large muscle coordination
rhythm, beat, and tempo
whole body movement, coordination & expression
pitch, tone, dynamics (high/low; loud/quiet)
preliminary notation & music symbol recognition
keyboard geography
musical ear development
creative activities & games
Click HERE for additional information on preschool classes!
School-Aged Classes
School-Age classes are for students ages 5-10. Students enrolled in after school classes will continue to establish a deeper & more complex root system for future music study. The weekly group classes provide students with an introduction to music at the piano. Students develop a strong musical foundation and proper pianistic habits through:
Notation and musical symbol recognition & application
Rhythm activities
Hands-on keyboard playing
Ear Training/Sight-reading/Composition/Technique practice
Creative activities and games
No-stress, positive learning environment:
Tickled Ivories piano classes are unique and fun. The primary goal is to make learning to play the piano a positive experience. While preschool students are not expected to practice at home, we encourage at-home exploration and piano play! As children mature, regular practice is certainly beneficial and encouraged. Teachers always try to prevent frustration and celebrate accomplishments, both great and small!
Age-Appropriate Learning
Lessons are planned to maximize learning by appealing to individual age groups while utilizing creative instruction to enhance the learning process . For instance, manipulatives like “PlayDough” and pipe cleaners or electronic smartphone and tablet applications are often used to reinforce theoretical concepts. Our lesson objectives and expectations are always based on the student’s cognitive, physical, and intellectual development as well as unique learning styles.