Please read before proceeding with payment. You will be asked to accept these terms and conditions prior to payment processing.
The Fall/Spring Semesters are based on a 9-month calendar (September-May). Fall Semester (Sept-Jan has 19 lessons; Spring Semester (Feb-May has 15 lessons). The Summer session features flexible lesson packages and camps. Tickled Ivories observes most public-school system holidays, but some holidays (e.g. Columbus Day) are not observed and lessons will occur.
There are no reimbursements for missed lessons and tuition is never adjusted unless the teacher cannot provide the promised number of lessons. As standard policy, make up lessons are only offered in the event of serious illness or family tragedy. A missed class is considered a forfeited class.
The annual Registration/Curriculum fee covers the student's initial piano book and all supplemental curriculum provided throughout the year. Fees are non-refundable, due at the time of registration, re-enrollment, and/or assessed annually on September 1st.
Tuition is assessed monthly and is due in advance, on or before the first lesson of each month. Tuition may be remitted via online processing, Venmo or PayPal.
The upcoming month's tuition statements are electronically delivered the last week of the month..
A $20 late fee is assessed for any payment received after the 10th of the month.
​Registration occurring after the first lesson of the month is prorated accordingly with credit reserved and applied to the next month's tuition.​
Registration reserves your child's weekly time slot and studio membership. So that we may have adequate time to fill your child’s class space, a 30-day written or e-mailed cancellation notice or a $70 cancellation fee, in lieu of notice, is required to withdraw from the program.
Parents may be requested to purchase additional piano books periodically as students progress through the program.
We value our instructors and respect their level of education and expertise and accordingly, compensate them well. We do not reduce their pay for teaching multiple family members. Thus, we cannot discount monthly tuition for siblings. However, families enrolling more than one student, may apply a $10 discount to a subsequent child’s registration fee.